Audiobook Download

Mere Christianity

Author C.S. Lewis
Narrator Geoffrey Howard
Runtime 5.9 Hrs.
Publisher Blackstone / CS Lewis
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date May 7, 2004
Mere Christianity is C.S. Lewis' forceful and accessible doctrine of Christian belief. First heard as informal radio broadcasts and then published as three separate books - The Case for Christianity, Christian Behavior, and Beyond Personality - Mere Christianity brings together what Lewis sees as the fundamental truths of the religion. Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity's many denominations, C.S. Lewis finds a common ground on which all those who have Christian faith can stand together, proving that "at the center of each there is something, or a Someone, who against all divergences of belief, all differences of temperament, all memories of mutual persecution, speaks with the same voice."
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